Talk Notes ========== Comparative Benchmarking ------------------------ Andy Turner ........... Can benchmarking help users answer, 'where's best to run my code?' More generally 'What is benchmarking, who is it for, what is it for?' HECBioSim, James Gebbie - Supporting users from consortia, experimentalists, not HPC experts - Code choice, - Potential (molecular interactions) choice GW4 Isambard - Comparison across CPU types - Mem vs CPU bound Open Source Benchmarking - Aim is to develop quantitatitve comparison - Publications, not open science - As far as possible compilation details, simulation inputs, job scripts included Purpose - Help users, RSEs, to make informed choice/advise on best approach - Develop suite for and dataset of hpc-uk/archer benchmarks Comments - Would be good to include profiling as part of benchmarking to better understand code and system performance/scaling. - Ideally RSEs and users can work together to improve efficiency/use of resources POP --- Jon Gibson .......... ERC funded project - Phase 1 10/2015-3/2018 - Phase 2 11/2018 - 10/21 - Providing free services - To Academic and Industrial Aim to deliver - **Precise** understanding of **parallel** application - All areas/platforms/scales - Projects have been 50:25:25, Academia, Industry, Government/Public sector Developed expertise in profiler tools: - BSC tools, extrae, paraver - Scalasca - Vtune/others Typical project: - Performance assessment report - Load balancing - Proof of concept, + software demonstrator Case studies: - k-wave, C++ hybrid mpi-openmp refactor periodic domains - Quantum Espresso, I/O by mpi processes not parallelised, 450 improvement in performance for write, increased scalability. Pop services, free at point of use Code developers, code users Webinars: 18th October 14:00 MPI+X Hybrid parallelisation `POP Website `_ Supercomputing Wales -------------------- Mark Dawson ........... What is it? - Successor to HPC Wales - £15m Welsh government investment - Cardiff and Swansea dominated, also at Aberystwyth, Bangor - Mix of capability and capacity machines - Also RSE support Different models at each University: - Cardiff group embedded RSEs - Swansea etc, Central group, HPC-centric `Supercomputing Wales `_ A Whilestlestop Tour of Isambard Hacks -------------------------------------- James Grant ........... 3 Hackathons/Events: - 1st Porting 5 TOP10 Archer codes on test installations - 2nd Porting remaining TOP10 on upgraded hardware - Results presented at SC17 and CUG2018 - Further Hackevent to discuss policy Hackathon - Hands on events - Learning about systems/libraries/tools - Compiling and profiling - Good for developing communities within centre and with code developers Havkevent - More about documentation: - Policy - Practicalities - Documentation - Training material - Developing OPS-RSE community Future events - To prepare for delivery - For supporters/OPs/RSEs - Potential users/test users - Final Hackathon for interested parties? HPC Champions - Would this work regionally/nationally for other centres/champions events - Would a National symposuim/conference in HPC with co-located workshops be of interest. - And how would it work for a mixed audience of users, RSEs and supporters Arm: Porting HPC Applications to Arm ------------------------------------ Phil Ridley ........... Arm HPC role - Isambard - Catalyst HPE Machines - ARM (formerly Allinea) MAP, DDT, Performance Reports - OpenSource software stack - LLVM and GCC Arm enhanced compilers - OpenHPC now out - Community building for HPC apps porting and perofmrance. - ` `_ - arm compiler: llvm backend, issues underliying in compiler will persist - SVE support, for once it is incorporated, instructions can already be generated - Performance library, new version due out around SC18 (v19) - Some know issues with config.guess and libtool Archer/HPC Champions -------------------- Alan Simpson ............ Past, future - Original discussion EPCC, CLare Gryce (UCL) EPSRC - Outreach research grant - RSEs in HPC support - Co-located with HPC-SIG and other events - Interactive workshops - RSE network supporting HPC/each other - Career development - A part of diversity/Engagement/Outreach/Impact What is a champion? - Regional/national/early career user/anyone intersted Need a specific `archer` champions link! - Moving to `hpc-uk `_ Opportunity to sell ourselves - HPC Champions - Training Champions - Funders Existential: Do we want to continue: Scope: - Lessons Learned: - Content: - Logistics: Make users aware of usable systems. - Tier 3 - Tier 2 - Tier 1 - Tier 0 - {Cloud?} Discussion comments: - 30 responses 50% All, 40% All academic, 10% Champion - Inclusive, Ops who don't necessarily get funding, ignored - Lightning problems - Commentary on HPC-SIG - Champions includes RSE/Ops/Users - Bios of champions? who what where when - Links centres, include contacts and leads, champions associated with clusters :download:`Champions Poll `